Wake up, The house is on fire...
and the cat´s caught in the dryer
philosophy´s a liar when
your home is your headstone
"Icon" is the last chance for hope
When there´s no such things as heroes
Your faith lies in the ditch that
you dug yourself in
Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay
when the lights are going down
deadbeat holiday - celebrate your own decay
there´s a vacant sign that´s hangin´ high
but at least you´re not alone
Christmas lights in the middle of August
grudges come back to haunt us
your oldest allies are your long lost enemies
Grounded in a duplex to find that
you´re living on a landmine
Vacation hotspots is a cemetery drive
http://boma-internet.blogspot.com <<< Banyak Lirik Lagu
Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay
when the lights are going down
deadbeat holiday - celebrate your own decay
there´s a vacant sign that´s hangin´ high
or a noose over your home
Deadbeat holiday - get your own your knees and pray
there´s a vacant sign that´s hangin´ high
but at least you´re not alone
Last chance to piss it all way
Nothing but hell to pay when all you
want to do is.....not to....give up...
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